Terms and Conditions

For all business relations between

FRAKO Kondensatoren- und Anlagenbau GmbH
Tscheulinstraße 21a
D-79331 Teningen
Authorised representative: Dr. Matthias Sehmsdorf

and the customer FRAKO Terms and Conditions shall apply solely. Any conditions conflicting with or deviating from these Terms and Conditions will not be accepted by FRAKO GmbH and are hereby expressly rejected. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer shall only apply if FRAKO GmbH agrees to them expressly in writing. 

FRAKO shall be responsible solely for website content that it itself creates, publishes and disseminates. The General Terms of Use apply to the content of the website www.FRAKO.de, www.FRAKO.com, www.FRAKO.fr and all subdomains belonging to these domains, hereinafter referred to collectively as the 'FRAKO website', the 'website of FRAKO', the 'FRAKO Internet presence' or 'FRAKO´s online offering'.
